Accueil > Activities > Workshops Continuum

Workshops Continuum

Publié le 1er septembre 2009 - modifié le 24 avril 2018

Location : Rainbow House Brussels, Kolenmarkt 42 rue du Marché-au-Charbon, 1000 Brussels.

Access by tube/tram : Bourse-Beurs (Exit Plattesteen).

The workshops aim at generating well-being, relaxation and pepping up with participants through the common development and practice of non verbal and body expression activities.

The thematic workshops are open to everyone but more specifically for people who are questioning themselves about their own genderidentities.
They require no previous practice nor experience in sports, body expression or art expression.

These non therapeutic workshops are designed, developped and animated by Genres Pluriels asbl vzw.

Useful Tips

Wear comfortable clothes, ideally sportswear or dance clothing. We will be leaning, lying down, sitting and constantly on the move. Steer clear of tight clothing or tight-seamed clothes.

We will invite you to take off your shoes at the entrance of some of the practice rooms and put adapted ones on, such as dancing or sport shoes. Please no socks (you will slip off) and no bare feet (floor scraping often causes burns and bruises).

Entrance : Open fee, just pay how much you wish and how much you can

[gris]Please register [/gris] [vert olive]by email[/vert olive][gris] or by phone +32 (0)487 632 343[/gris]