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Petitie van Amnesty International over de antidiscriminatie richtilijn

Publié le 11 mai 2010 - modifié le 17 août 2014

De Duitse regering verzet zich tegen de totstandkoming van een nieuwe Europese (EU) antidiscriminatie richtlijn. Deze richtlijn moet een einde maken aan de uitsluiting en achterstelling van mensen vanwege hun leeftijd, seksuele oriëntatie, religie of handicap. Totstandkoming van een nieuwe antidiscriminatie richtlijn vereist de instemming van alle 27 EU-lidstaten. Duitsland moet haar verzet staken - zodat discriminatie in Europa effectief kan worden aangepakt.

Teken nu de Petitie om dit te bewerkstelligen !


Frau Dr. Kristina Schröder

Bundesministerin für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend

11018 Berlin

Dear Ms Kristina Schröder,

I am writing you to express my deep concern over discrimination in Europe. Across the EU people are discriminated against on the grounds of their religion or belief, disability, age and sexual orientation, and face barriers in accessing education, healthcare, housing and other goods and services.

Discrimination is a complex phenomenon that needs to be tackled at different levels. National governments are obliged to respect, protect and fulfill the human right to non-discrimination. The adoption of comprehensive and effective anti-discrimination legislation is essential to fulfilling these obligations. Existing EU anti-discrimination law has significantly improved anti-discrimination legislation at the national level. However EU and national law in many of its member States still fails to prohibit discrimination equally in all areas on all grounds.

The new EU Equality Directive as proposed by the European Commission goes a long way to addressing these gaps. It would help millions of people in Europe to enjoy their rights without discrimination, as enshrined in EU Treaties and the EU Charter on Fundamental Rights.

Therefore, I ask your government to end its opposition to the new Directive and play its part in ending discrimination in Europe. If Germany keeps opposing the Directive, many people in Europe risk being left without protection from discrimination for years to come. This would run counter to Germany’s stated commitment to promoting equality for all.

Yours sincerely,

Voir en ligne : Amnesty International